My Instagram Vs Reality

Instagram is a double edged sword. I mean I love the ‘gram most of the time. It definitely played a huge part in my recovery from post natal depression and anxiety. It keeps me sane most days. It’s a place I can vent and be creative. I have met so many wonderful people through this platform, there are too many to mention, people I consider my friends. My Instafam if you like. For me it’s positive. But it’s not all positive for everyone. I used to fall victim of the old compare and despair trap. I would look at all these wonderful home and interior accounts, fashion and beauty and would compare myself and my life.

Now I have learned that’s not helpful for me and actually what we mostly put on Instagram are things that are good. Things we think people will be interested in. And that’s absolutely great as long as we remember it’s not real life. It’s snapshots. I do try to keep it real too. As my bio says my stories are real life and my grid is the highlights. And even my stories are a snippet of things that I think you’d be interested in. As well as the shambles I mostly am!

Recently I have had quite a few people asking how I do it all. Work, family, home, blogging, Instagram. The thing is I can’t do it all. Just like all of us I can only do so much in one day. That got me thinking that I didn’t want people to think I am this super organised person. I’m not. I’m winging it just like the rest of us. Some days it’s a shit show and other days I pull it off. So I decided to write this blog so you can have a little insight into my life. The good, the bad and the endless laundry…

You will have noticed there is very little content of the cleaning variety. That’s because very little cleaning goes on. I do the basics of course but mostly my house is a tip and I’ve learned to lower my standards. I choose to spend time with the children over cleaning. Sorry, not sorry. I can have a tidy house when they’ve grown up. That has been one of the hardest adjustments for me personally. I don’t have rats or flies so im pretty sure we’re doing ok.

We do lots of outdoor activities. That’s because I love being outside and my little wildlings need to be out. I also get serious cabin fever. I found a man who shares my love of the outdoors so happy days. My stories are full of our adventures. The children also have their fair share of screen time or TV. If I’m making dinner then the electronic babysitters are working their arses off. Don’t know what my grandparents did to get stuff done but praise the lord for technology I say. Not apologetic. Dinner gets cooked, noone gets burned and I don’t lose my shit.

I love doing stories on what I’m cooking and I know you guys enjoy it too from the feedback. I have always hated cooking up until the last few years. I really enjoy it now and it makes it fun that I get to share it with you all. Now I wish I could cook healthy home cooked meals every night but the reality is I can’t so I aim for at least 50% of the time if I can. I haven’t made anything so far this week the hubster cooked last night. Sometimes I throw something in from the freezer or occasionally I enjoy a good old pot noodle. No shame here. Chcken and mushroom pot noodles are lush!

There is laundry in various stages all over my house. My ‘favourite’ laundry section it the hubsters floordrobe. I never ever iron anything unless absolutely essential. I even go as far as avoiding buying an item if clothing for myself if I think it will need ironing. It’s not lazy I just hate it and have better things to do with my time.

So there you have it. An insight into my organised chaos. It’s not perfect but it’s happy and fun. There are sometimes tantrums (mine and the children) and I’m probably a bit more shouty than I’d like to be but overall I think I’m doing an ok job at this adulting gig. Now go pour yourself a large gin and give the kids some freezer pick and mix for tea because so are you!

Love and peace xxx


  1. I loved this post hun! Seriously so good to know I’m not the only one who don’t always have it together!! Trying to keep on top of things can be a struggle especially when my anxiety hits me bad! Thank you for sharing! And yes i would also choose happy kids and my sanity! Clean house can wait. Xx


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